AWESOME! Worth the price to see a smile on your childs face!
This app is awesome! Worth the price to see the huge smile on your childs face! My son is a huge SciFi fan. I downloaded this App, shot some footage quickly with my iPhone of him with a light saber and a blaster pistol and within 30 minutes after downloading, I had some awesome Star Wars-like footage. He was so impressed. I uploaded it to Facebook and my friends and family were all amazed. As soon as we have some time, we are already planning a "movie" that we will be making in the back yard with his favorite space guns. $30 is not bad for this program considering the amazing effects you get and the impressive final results. It does take a little patience to draw over every frame, but a nice trick is to keep one hand on the mouse or trackpad and the other on the forward arrow key. Draw, advance, draw, advance... Once you get a groove going, it goes more quickly than you think. Also, you can always go back and adjust or mask areas if you need to afterwards.
I originally downloaded this App several days ago and there were some problems with the quality of the final, saved file. But tonight I discovered that it has been updated and the author has fixed the bugs. So I have to give it all five stars. Output is equal to my original movie files from my iPhone and from my digital camcorder. Bravo! Lets make some movies! Not so long ago, in a galaxy not so far away... there was this awesome app that made my kid the coolest one on the block!
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